椭偏仪是一种利用偏振态的变化 后光束探测样品反应技术。不像反射仪,椭偏仪参数(PSI和Del)是在非正常的入射角得到。改变入射角。可以得到更多的数据集,这将有助于精炼模型,减少不确定性和提高用户的数据信心。因此,可变角度椭偏仪比固定角度的椭偏仪系统具有更强大的功能 。目前有两种方法改变入射角,手动或自动模式。
Ansgtrom Sun公司设计角度调整模型,通过5度间隔后精确预置槽移动手臂手动调节角度和电动精密测角0.01度分辨率两种模型。此外,测角垂直布局设计,样品可以水平放置,这是更安全的处理样品时。可靠的和足够的原始数据集,更多膜的性能参数,如薄膜或涂层 厚度,光学常数(折射率n,消光系数k指数)、接口、孔隙度甚至成分可以通过建模。在这个意义上,先进的软件是一个必须为高性能光谱椭偏仪(SE)工具。我们开发了TFprobe 3 x版软件的系统设置。仿真,测量,分析,数据管理和2D / 3D图形演示的一体机。 此外,SE200工具覆盖了很宽的波长范围内,从深紫外线(DUV)在可见光到近红外(250~1100nm),标准配置。DUV范围适合衡量超薄膜,如纳米厚度范围。一个例子是在硅晶片上的原生氧化层,这是典型的2nm厚的唯一。深紫外光谱椭偏仪也是必不可少的,用户需要测量多种材料的带隙。
“I want to thank Dr. Sun and his team at Angstrom Sun Technologies for all of their help with the purchasing of our Spectroscopic Ellipsometer. Dr. Sun and his team took the time to talk with us about our needs and what would best suit them. After we placed the order we experienced an exceptionally quick shipping timeframe (on site two weeks later). once we received the well packaged ellipsometer, and with the help of one other person we were able to unbox and set up the ellipsometer. Following their well documented instructions, we had the ellipsometer ready to run. Dr. Sun answered our remaining questions and we were able to start taking measurements on our own. After we had worked with the program more, anytime a question would arise, Dr. Sun and his team’s prompt replies kept us working in the right direction into full functionality. Support included helping with the uploading of our own NK table as well as help with the modeling. Thank you Dr. Sun for taking the time to help us better understand Ellipsometry and for putting out an exceptional product”来自美国科罗拉多的 Benjamin Sheppard
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer SE200BA-M300
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer SE200BA-MSP
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer SE200BM-M300
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer SE200BM-M450
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer SE200BM-Solar
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer SE300BM