YAG激光焊接机 YAG激光设备SpeedFam 创技(南京)提供
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YAG激光焊接机 YAG激光设备SpeedFam 创技(南京)提供



Laser Equipment

YAG laser equipment is used typically for local welding of various metals by converged Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) laser beam. YAG laser operates by laser light produced from optical pumping of YAG crystal.

Equipment | YAG Laser | Optical system | Technical information

YAG Laser Equipment

YAG Laser Equipment

Wide range of applications can be supported by SpeedFam laser equipment lineup from 30W to 600W. High stability is obtained from low output to high output of laser oscillation.


  1. 6.5-inch TFT color touch panel
  2. English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese for display language
Laser oscillation
  1. Stable laser oscillation from low output to high output
  2. Intelligent power feedback system enables automatic power compensation for lamp deterioration
Laser oscillation
External control
  1. External control interface allows most operations and parameter switchings from remote control unit, and production automation can be designed easily.
  2. External control interface can be placed at maximum distance of 100 meters by digital conversion extension system.
  3. Fast switch of process condition.
  4. Operation panel can be disabled during external control.
  5. With remote PC system, PC provides the same control as operation panel. Process parameters can be transferred and written from PC, and multiple parameter files can be managed at the PC (RS-485 port is standard).
External control
High repetition
  1. High repetition oscillation of 700 pps maximum
Long pulse
  1. Long pulse oscillation of 120 ms maximum
Pulse shape control
  1. Pulse shape parameter of one laser shot
  2. All pulse pattern parameter for laser output pattern control(e.g. precise configuration of laser output during each cycle)
  3. Fade-in and fade-out laser output pattern(e.g. smooth control for end point)
Pulse shape control

Beam split by optical fiber

Simultaneous, sequential, and sequentially simultaneous beam split are selectable. Effective production automation can be simply designed.

Beam split by optical fiber


Air cooling models
Model 0310-30W 0500-50W
Oscillation wavelength 1.064μm
Maximum rated power 30W 50W
Maximum output energy 25J/P 50J/P
Repetition 1~500pps
Pulse width 0.07~50ms 0.07~120ms
Laser condition 64 patterns
Shutter condition 64 patterns
Pulse shape 40 patterns
Pulse shape pattern arbitrarily configurable
Fade-in/fade-out shape arbitrarily configurable
All pulse pattern arbitrarily configurable
Maximum beam split simultaneous 3, sequential 3 simultaneous 4, sequential 4
Cooling system Air
Power supply 3P AC200V +/-10% 10A 3P AC200V +/-10% 15A
Cooling water supply -
Dimension (mm) 490(W)×970(D)×770(H) 550(W)×1100(D)×952(H)
Weight 185kg 260kg
Water cooling models
Model 0800-80W 1000-100W 1500-150W 3500-350W 6000-600W
Maximum rated
80W 100W 150W 350W 600W
Maximum output
60J/P 70J/P 70J/P 80J/P 120J/P
Repetition 1~500pps 1~600pps 1~700pps
Pulse width 0.07~120ms
Laser condition 64 patterns
Shutter condition 64 patterns
Pulse shape 40 patterns
Pulse shape
arbitrarily configurable
arbitrarily configurable
All pulse pattern arbitrarily configurable
Maximum beam
simultaneous 4, sequential 4 1
(op. split)
Cooling system Water
Power supply 3P
+/-10% 20A
+/-10% 20A
+/-10% 30A
AC200V +/-10% 75A
+/-10% 125A
Cooling water
< 25°C, 15L/min, 0.3MPa <25°C
Dimension (mm) 550(W)
Weight 260kg 260kg 315kg 420kg 850kg

YAG Laser

YAG is an abbreviation of Yttrium Aluminum Garnet. Nd:YAG laser is one of the most widely used lasers, which is produced by optical pumping of YAG crystal doped with Neodymium.

Advantages of YAG laser
Energy absorption by metal is better than CO2 laser. >>> Process can be done by less energy.
Energy can be transferred through optical fiber. >>> Production line can be flexibly designed.
YAG rod as the oscillation source does not deteriorate over time. >>> Reliable oscillation can be delivered with less consumables.

Co<em></em>nstruction of YAG laser oscillation

Laser welding

Laser welding is a process of local melt and solidification of various metals by a converged laser beam.

Composition of the laser system

The laser system is composed of laser oscillator, optical path, beam convergence unit, motion unit, and sealing gas unit.

Fixed optical system and optical fiber

For laser welding, CO2 laser and YAG laser whose output has been increased are utilized as the oscillator.
Laser beam is generated at the oscillator, and transferred through optical path to beam convergence unit. CO2 laser is transferred by mirror (fixed optical system), and YAG laser is by optical fiber as well as mirror.
The transferred laser light is converged to the proper size by beam convergence unit, composed of parabolic mirror or convergence lens, etc.

Sealing gas (assist gas)

During the welding process by the converged laser beam, sealing gas (argon, helium, nitrogen) is usually applied in order to prevent oxidation of the weld area. SpeedFam supplies the suitable gas nozzles.

Laser welding applications

Electronics parts, machine parts, or automobile parts are typical laser welding applications. Laser process can be utilized from precise process to thick metal welding.

  1. Spot and seam welding of metal parts
  2. Sealing of hermetic case
  3. Welding of different materials
  4. Connection of wire and terminal
  5. Welding of wires
  6. Heat consolidation / treatment
  7. Cut / hole

Laser welding applications

Optical system

Standard focus unit
Standard focus unit

Visual confirmation of the actual process is possible. Compact size enables easy replacement for existing production line. You can select the focal length from 40, 50, 70, 90, 120, and 150mm. (Special specification available)

Focus unit with CCD camera
Focus unit with CCD camera

or applications having difficulty of direct visual /confirm/iation, the focus unit with CCD camera provides a clear view of the process area through a monitor screen.
With this focus unit, physical process position can be precisely adjusted, and the image recognition is helpful for production automation.
Coaxial incident fiber, ring, or side fiber type can be chosen for lighting. You can select the focal length from 40, 50, 70, 90, 120, and 150mm. (Special specification available)
A focus unit with a high focus lens is optional.

Optical fiber

Optical fiber

Step-index optical fiber(SI optical fiber) Graded-index optical fiber(GI optical fiber)
Core diameter
Core diameter

Selection of optical fiber

For small spot diameter
use optical fiber of small diameter
use optical system of low image formation rate
use GI optical fiber
For deep melt process
use optical system of high image formation rate
use GI optical fiber
For large spot diameter
use optical fiber of large diameter
use optical system of high image formation rate
use SI optical fiber and long focal length
Monitor screen viewer
use focus unit with CCD camera
Simultaneous multiple laser process
use multiple lenses
use simultaneous 2, 3, 4 beam split system

Technical information

Process optical system

As optical system, fixed optical system and fiber optical system are selectable. Their features are as follows.

Fixed optical system

Suitable for small spot diameter of 100um or the less, by direct focus of laser beam

Fiber optical system

  1. Variable spot diameter by the image formation rate of optical system and the core diameter of fiber
  2. Suitable for simultaneous multiple laser process with beam split and optical fiber
  3. Space saving for automation system
  4. By material of application, suitable core diameter of SI fiber or GI fiber can be selectable.

In laser welding process, workpiece fixing is very important. Recently processes for small parts are increasing, and positioning of workpiece is getting difficult. While thick workpiece welding can allow small gap between the parts, thin workpiece requires severe contact between them. Welding gap between thin parts may make blowhole.
In case of automation production, inadequate positioning makes troubles. With proper fixtures, automation system can be materialized. Special fixture design may be required by the workpiece shape.
