Control Nice CNA7-P seven axis high precision joint arm measuring machine Technical description
1) 设备功能描述
1. Control Nice CNA7-P系列7轴关节臂测量机,测量范围从1.8米到9米,适用范围更广阔,稳定性和精度得到进一步的提高,可以选配激光叉和专用软件进行管道检测。
2. Control Nice CNA7-P series 7-axis joint arm measuring machine, measuring range is from 1.8 m to 9.0 m, the test range is wider, the stability and accuracy are further improved, can be connected to the Laser fork and special software can also be selected for pipeline detection.
3. 配备锁紧机构,具有独特的磁力锁紧功能,防止关节臂意外跌落。保证意外拉动关节臂也不会损坏设备
4. The locking mechanism has magnetic locking function to prevent the joint arm accidental drop. Ensure that accidental arm pulling does not damage the equipment.
5. 测头系统:触发侧头、浮动测头和激光叉可快速互换,从一个探针配置切换到另一个,系统自动识别所用测头的类型和参数,无需重新校准即可使用。
The probe system: trigger probe,floating probe and the laser fork are quickly interchangeable, switching from one probe configuration to another, the system can automatically identifies the type and parameters of the probe used, it can be used without recalibration.
6. 安装简单 可固定于三脚架上,也可配磁力吸盘
Simple installation: It can be fixed on a tripod for use, and can also be used with a magnetic sucker.
7. 内置温度补偿系统,自动补偿和修正由温度变化带来的测量臂热胀冷缩变化,在0-45℃范围内真正保证测量精度;
Built-in temperature compensation system, which automatically compensates and corrects the thermal expansion and contraction changes of the measuring arm caused by temperature changes, and truly guarantees the measurement accuracy within the range of 0-45℃;
8. 关节臂与电脑之间具以下连接方式:
There are the following connections measures between the articulated arm and the computer:
a. 有线:通过新型USB数据线连接; Wired: Connect via a new USB data cable.
b. 无线:通过蓝牙连接; Wireless: Connect via Bluetooth
9. 自动校准功能:测量机带有可校准的校准球,可随时进行校准;
Automatic calibration function: the measuring machine has a calibrated calibration ball, which can be calibrated at any time;
10. 可与多种软件配合使用可兼容如:Power INSPECT、Master CAM、Rhinoceros、Alpha CAM、3DSYSTEMS ConTROL X, POLYWORKS等主流检测软件。
Compatible with a variety of software such as:Power INSPECT、Master CAM、Rhinoceros、Alpha CAM、3DSYSTEMS ConTROL X, POLYWORKS And other mainstream testing software.
2) 设备精度指标 Equipment accuracy Index
型号 Type |
测量范围 Measuring range |
CNA7-P40 |
4.0m |
0.062mm |
0.020mm |
0.079mm |
0.040mm |
Note: any value in this table is reported as the maximum allowable error,contact measurement (articulated arm) conforms to iso10360-12 international standard
Ø EUNI1---两点之间的长度误差,比较测量值与标称值
EUNI1-----Length Measurement error
Ø PSIZE2---接触式测量球体尺寸误差,比较测量值与标称值
PSIZE2-----Probing size error, tactile
Ø LDIA4球体位置直径误差(从多个方向测量的球体中心的球形区域的直径)
LDIA4-----Maximum permissible error of articulated location error
Ø PFORM3接触式测量球体形状误差
PFORM3-----Probing form error, tactile