设备用途 适用于细小部品及有盲孔等难清洗部品的清洗和干燥。
◆ PLC+彩色人机界面控制,多层次密码权限,工艺参数随机可调,工作状态可视;
◆ 独特的机械手助力搬运工件,稳定、简洁。
◆ 清洗、干燥、废液回收组合式设计,提高液体利用率,降低生产成本。
◆ 配置完善的防火防爆系统,先进的真空系统,安全无隐患。
系列机型 可根据不同部品要求定制相应工艺清洗设备
Device Uses: Suitable for small parts and blind holes and other difficult to clean parts cleaning and drying.
◆ PLC + HMI color control, multi-level password authorization, process parameters random variable, work status visualization;
◆ unique robotic assisted porter pieces, stable, simple.
◆ washing, drying, waste recycling modular design to improve fluid utilization, reduce production costs.
◆ well-equipped fire and explosion systems, advanced vacuum system, safe and hidden.
Series models: the appropriate technology can be customized according to the different parts cleaning equipment requirements